Acrylic paintings and drawings with oil pastels by Theo Kemen
Location: Galerie H22, Herderstraße 22, 65185 Wiesbaden
The works exhibited in the gallery were created between 2020 and 2021. We will associate 2020 and the following years with Corona, pandemic and lockdown.
During the period of restrictions, Theo Kemen was keen to record his feelings about the unknown virus. How is this disease being dealt with, what is changing socially and politically?
Corona is garbage. In this connection, the artist has dedicated himself to another topic. Garbage in the city, in the country, at sea. Nobody needs garbage lying around and increasingly polluting the environment.
Despite the negative association with Corona and garbage, the exhibited works are colorful. This is intentional, as Theo Kemen wants to make the viewer think.
Is there a positive perspective when looking at the pictures on the two topics?