EMAD KORKIS September 3rd (opening 5 pm) to October 3rd

H22 exhibits: EMAD KORKIS September 3rd (opening 5pm) to October 3rd, Herderstraße 22

CODE OF ALL LIVING THINGS – The Code of all Beings


“I long for the light, the warmth, the security, as everyone longs for something that they

lost forever. It is the land of my childhood, Mesopotamia, that I dream of.

The wheat fields on my grandfather’s farm shine golden to the horizon, where they catch the light blue

touch the sky, and in which countless stories are hidden. There is a special atmosphere about

the land, soft sounds of wind blowing over the ears of corn, birds fighting for the best place in the tree


In the works of Emad Korkis one can immediately sense these feelings, the longing for light and

Feel warmth. He works with materials that he discovers in all places in nature and in which he finds a

secret and original energy that connects all living beings. Thus, the

Materials themselves bring their energy into the pictures. "I am convinced that nature is in dialogue with us," says

Emad Korkis. “The code of all living things lies in every stone.”

Emad Korkis uses his images as a counter-reflection of a hardening, increasingly global and ruthless

emerging society. Cities seem destroyed in his most recent works, the fields are harvested, the

Earth breaks open. In his painting “The Day After” the perception is almost photorealistic. Only when you get closer

you can see the earth, the bark and the stones.

Only nature can protect us, he is convinced. Emad Korkis wants to protect the smallest living creatures – seedlings

into the light and into attention. His brilliant white sculptures are striking, touching and

worth protecting.

The Wiesbaden photographer

Monika HOUCK sensitively accompanies the exhibition with her camera. “As diverse as the themes of the paintings and sculptures

by Korkis, one can still recognize the unmistakable aesthetic signature with which Emad Korkis creates his

works, he is a master of his craft and always at peace with himself.”

After graduating from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Damascus in 2005, Emad Korkis joined

to Germany. Here he found connections to the art and theater scene and had very successful

exhibitions and theater projects.

Because of the light, he is always drawn to his guest studio in Mallorca, where he works with the famous Nit-del-

ART in Palma and in the ISLANDARTE Biennale.

Emad Korkis has been living and working in Wiesbaden since 2015 and has made a name for himself in the regional art scene

He has exhibited in the Kunsthaus, the town hall and in galleries. Another important experience for him

were art projects with young people e.g. “Students discover contemporary art 2016” in the NKV and the

Project GLÜCK in the Kunsthaus.

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