
 “Summer-lite” in GALERIE H22 in Wiesbaden


GALERIE H22 invites you to the vernissage of the exhibition “Summer-lite”

on Friday, August 10th at 7:00 p.m. at Herderstraße 22 in Wiesbaden.

painting, photography and sculpture


The latest exhibition, "Summer-lite," is all about summer. You won't find any heavy oil paintings here, because this time the artists are aesthetically celebrating the lightness of being.

The guest artist at the exhibition is Angela Cremer. She is showing non-representational works from her series "Surface Studies". She works in a rare technique with lime marble plaster and pigments, whereby the surface is soaped and waxed. These works mostly have titles from the field of music, such as "Cluster" or "Rhythm". 

Added to this are Wolfgang Blanke's fluffy, light paintings of summer impressions, Peter Bernhard's large-format, expressive acrylic paintings, which are located between abstraction and representationalism, as well as the non-representational works of Amador Vallina.

The exhibition is complemented by photographs by Reinhard Berg.

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