Between the Frames – Turning Point Age

Painting | Sculptures & Photography

Angelika Wende | Reinhard Berg | Peter Bernard | Susan Geel

Vernissage and reading performance with Angelika Wende, Dirk Arlt & Peter Schulz

Friday, January 24, 2020 | 7 pm


Age: an ambivalent topic, a sad topic, a fear-filled topic, a beautiful topic, a taboo topic. In an increasingly aging society, it makes sense to deal with age.

Angelika Wende, Reinhard Berg, Peter Bernhard and Susan Geel take their own personal artistic standpoint on the changing times of old age.

In their reading performance,

Angelika Wende, Dirk Arlt (actor & director) and Peter Schulz (performance artist & director of the Performance Art Depot, pad, Mainz) in the changing times of age.

Withering, melancholy, happiness, joy of life, pain, grief, serenity, wisdom, bitterness, loneliness, resignation, fear, transience, loss, farewell, dying and death - all facets of old age. Polarizing, dramatic, melancholic, sarcastic, clever and funny, sometimes loud and sometimes quiet, an intense reflection unfolds. From pessimism about old age to the idealization of old age, you can expect an exciting examination of an archetypal theme: old age as a conditio humana, as a general condition of being human.

Old age – a massacre, as Philip Roth describes it drastically in his Everyman, or a time of new possibilities?


By the way: An evening for all ages.


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